Climate Action Plan GHG Reduction Measures

Port of San Diego

Ricardo assisted in the preparation of a Climate Action Plan for the San Diego Unified Port District while a planner at MIG, Inc. Ricardo’s role was to develop and organize a set of relevant GHG emissions reduction measures for consideration by the Port for its non-maritime uses. The Port has some 600 tenant businesses, including hotels, marinas, restaurants, shipyards, manufacturing enterprises and more. The GHG emissions reduction measures included building energy use, alternative energy generation, heat gain and shading, lighting, land use/community design, transit system improvements, parking policy/pricing, trip and VMT reductions, roadway system improvements, alternative powered vehicles, water recycling and conservation, and solid waste reduction and recycling. Ricardo also developed and applied evaluation criteria for potential measures, such as reduction potential, co-benefits, technical feasibility and measurability. The policies and GHG reduction measures were modified and expanded based on Port specific projects and programs. Port staff then evaluated all of the potential measures using Port specific criteria, and input from the Board of Port Commissioners and stakeholders. The Climate Action Plan was adopted.